Jessie's Arbok

Jessie's Arbok (Japanese: ムサシのアーボック Musashi no Ābokku) was most likely Jessie's first Pokémon. She got it as a Ekans for her birthday. Eventually it evolved into an Arbok because Jessie wished desperately for it to. It was later released to protect a group of Ekans from a Pokémon Poacher. When Jessie told it to stay behind and protect the Ekans, it started crying.

Trivia Edit[]

  • In The Misty Mermaid, Arbok was shown to be able to swim without needing to breathe.
  • In The Island of the Giant Pokémon, Arbok (as an Ekans) said that it's not bad, but do bad things because of Jessie being bad.
  • Arbok says its name the same in English and Japanese versions.

Known moves Edit[]

Note: Bite was classified as a Normal-type move at the time of its first usage.
